The Drop Point | 2/13/25

Week of February 13th 2025

Knives Need Love Too! #midjourney

This weeks Knife drops and pre-orders


The Bladeology Podcast | iTunes | Spotify
Episode 95 Shot Show Wrap-up | LIVE
Jeremiah, Nick and Chuck meet up to discuss the recent shows they went to and all the fun stuff they found.

Folding Knives


Turnback Knife Co. | TBK-V2 (Black) $60 | LIVE

Serge Knives | Slip7 $135 | LIVE

Three Rivers Mfg. | Atom, Neutron 2, Bulldog $215+ | LIVE
Hard To Find Anywhere Else - Urban Cutlery Has Them!

Divo Knives | The Chaser $219| 2/20 1pm ET
TPK Exclusive USMC Red Cerakote | S90V

BergBlades | Alpha $315+ | LIVE

Jack Wolf Knives | Primo Jack $350 | 2/14 2pm ET

URBAN EDC® | Becerro $399 | LIVE
Darkwashed Magnacut and Darkwashed Titanium

Blade Binge x Vero Engineering | Lux 3.3 $415 | LIVE

Tactile Knife Co. | Mariner 2 (Vintage Mic) $429 | LIVE

Spartan Blades | Spartan-Harsey Regal $530 | LIVE

Simeon Custom Knives | Hobbit (Button Lock) $595 | LIVE

Tactile Knife Co. | Archer (New Texture) $599 | LIVE

Nicholas Nichols | Guppy (Golf Dimple) $635 | LIVE

HMC Knives | Transient 3.2 $1199 | 2/15

Curtiss Custom Knives | Cruze Flipper $1295 | LIVE

Heretic Knives | Medusa (Cel Shaded) $ | 2/14 2pm ET

Pre-Orders / Book Spots

Skiff Made Blades | Asylum $1050 | 2/13 8pm ET

BMKT | Small Explorer $175 | LIVE

Simeon Custom Knives | Hobbit $850 | LIVE

Gecko Customz Knifeworks | Sikorae Limited $400 | LIVE

Golden Design Works | Slim $304+ | LIVE

Rosies Rippers | Mini Reaper $595 | LIVE

Jens Anso | Aros $675 | LIVE

Bridgeport Knife Co. | Bodey LL $145 | LIVE

Fixed Blade Knives

Pre-Orders / Book Spots

Jake B Creates | Vanguard Mary $315 | LIVE

Precision Knife Works | Chef Knife $325 | LIVE


BLADEBINGE Marketplace | Sell Your Knives
Secure Payments and Safe Shipping Always!

Bald Man Knife | BÖKER Thicker Clipper $52 | LIVE

Asher Knives | Asher 'Lil Buddy $105+ | LIVE

Cerberus Knives | M.U.T.T $275 | 2/14 1pm ET

Dauntless Mfg. | The Musashi $295+ | 2/14 5pm ET

Montana Knife Co. | The Rocker $300 | 2/13 9pm ET

Rangermade Knife & Tool | FRAGO $375 | LIVE

Koenig Knives | Helos $$ | 2/17 1pm ET


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Urban Cutlery - NYC's premium EDC retail destination

Urban EDC® - Knives. Prybars. Flashlights. Fancy Bottle Openers – We've got 'em all.

Skiff Workshop - Maker of Skiff Bearings and the MakerLock Clamp System

PVK - Your online destination and resource for everyday cutlery since 1994

Bladeology Podcast - Explore the ins and outs of the knife world from the perspective of people deeply involved in the community.

Bladebinge - Anyone can buy and sell on their custom platform designed for knife nuts.

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The Drop Point is a weekly newsletter email that brings you the knife drops and pre-orders happening that week. This is a free resource for knifemakers to list their knife sales. If you are a knifemaker and would like to submit a listing please read this post.

Our mission is to bring value to knifemakers and knife buyers by delivering timely and concise information about upcoming knife drops and pre-orders.